Jan's Journal

Jan Barbeau's #1 passion is to create weddings for couples who want their day to be EVERYTHING. Everything they ever dreamed of.
Everything they envision. Everything guests find unforgettable.

Future Events: Fewer Hugs and Handshakes and More Sanitizer

Hello Friends,

Coronavirus or not, people will somehow find a way to gather for businessretreats, golf outings, weddings, parties and celebrations.  Planning and coordinating events is always challengingbut the details are going to matter more than ever.

Smaller Events:

Instead of focusing on mass serving there will be more intimate and cozyevents.  The people on the guest listwill be those with the closest and most important relationships.  People will have time to visit, linger and networkvs. just trying to find a few minutes to say hi to everyone.  We expect to see a higher quality meal, topshelf liquor or entertainment.

Multiple Celebrations:

If only 50 people can gather, but it is critical to network with all of thetop customers it will be necessary to have multiple events.  Some weddings are turning into multiple dayevents at different hometowns or destinations. Photographers and videographers will have to expand their repertoire toinclude live streaming services.


Pre-Covid the safety focus was on transportation and making sure the guestsdid not have to drive after a day of celebration.  The focus on health and safety has reached acompletely new level and some of the adjustments we have seen over the past fewmonths will be here for a while.  

Beyond masks, gloves and sanitizer we will have to be extremely inventiveabout seating, crowd control, food and beverage service.

Inthis new world, an event planner and coordinator are more important thanever.  There are a million details withevery event and we love handling all of them.  Perfect Events by Jan offers professionalplanning and execution for safe events and weddings filled with happiness andjoy. 


Happiness and joy, 

Let's talk about your perfect event.

Contact us: 630-689-8749

E: jan@perfecteventsbyjan.com

W: www.perfecteventsbyjan.com
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Jan Barbeau's #1 passion is to create weddings for couples who want their day to be EVERYTHING. Everything they ever dreamed of.
Everything they envision. Everything guests find unforgettable.

Review the list of services we provide that fits YOUR vision for a
perfect event!

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